Archives for July 2010

Lovable Labels BlogHer’ 10 Getaway Contest

Doggy Mommy Position Available This is a full time position including unpaid overtime holidays, and weekends. You will need to be available at least 3 times a day everyday to take us on walks. If you sleep in we will jump on you and lick your face until you get up. We don't care if it is raining, … [Read more...]

Fido Friendly Magazine Giveaway Ends 7/13!

 Don't miss out on this opportunity to win a Full year subscription to this amazing dog friendly magazine. The magazine has some really great articles that are geared towards dog lovers! This is the dog magazine written by and for Dog Lovers who like to go out and about with their animals. Fantastic … [Read more...]

#Mamavation Monday – My 90 Day Challenge

It's time for me to share.Where to being this post. I guess I should start at the beginning. I have been very overweight for quite a few years now. I just wasn't motivated to be healthy in fact subconsciously I probably wanted to be unhealthy. Anyway, right before I moved to Hong Kong I was at my … [Read more...]

Meet Whisper

Meet Whisper my parents new dog. Whisper is a Husky that was found wandering in the forest. She was taken to a local Shelter where they found her. They have no idea how long she was wandering or if she got lost or was kicked out of her old houseShe is a very skinny girl and needs to gain about 20% … [Read more...]

Now accepting Guest Bloggers

This will be a first for us here at Two Little Cavaliers and a way to increase interaction with all of you as well as give you something new and different each week. We love so many of your blogs that it is virtually impossible to visit every single one. This is a way to spotlight one friend each … [Read more...]

Pet Bloggers Blog Hop – Blast from the Past

For this weeks post I decided to do something a little different. I decided I would use the other computer so I could share some of my baby pictures of Indiana with all of you and some pictures of Davina when she was younger. These are pictures from Davinia and Indiana's breeders herb & flower … [Read more...]

Tropical Traditions Oxygen Bleach – Review and Giveaway US Only

Tropical Traditions Oxygen Bleach:Is the versatile oxygen base bleached for the environmentally conscious consumer. It is environmentally safe and non toxic. There are no harmful by products upon decomposition. Oxygen Bleach does not contain chlorine, phosphates, nitrates, acids, caustic, or … [Read more...]

Awaken Rejuvenating Spray Review and Giveaway

This is a really fun review and giveaway that I get to tell you all about. I met Dawn an Arbonne Consultant about 7 months ago now through a Direct Sales Community. I told her I had heard of her products but had never tried them and was interested in doing so. She sent me some samples to try out and … [Read more...]

We have a request!

Hi everyone ~Its Davinia and Indiana we stole mommy's computer for a few minutes to ak for your help. As some of you know we are going to be going to Bark World Expo in Atlanta, Georgia at the end of August. Mommy wants to try and take us both (she says it is both or nothing) but Davinia is not a … [Read more...]

Pet Bloggers Blog Hop

Our friends Manny and James who blog over at Enlightened Ferret sent us some love earlier this week in the form of 5 Questions Pass it on. 1. Do you sleep with the light on or off ?Davinia & Indiana: We can sleep anytime of the day or night with the lights on or off doesn't matter to us. We … [Read more...]

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