Wet Dog Video – Talking Dog Has a Lot to Say About Bath Time

Wet Dog Video – Talking Dog Has a Lot to Say About Bath Time

Wet Dog Video

Ever wonder what your wet dog is thinking after bath time while they run around the house doing zoomies, rubbing themselves all over your clean carpet, shaking off on the walls, and making a giant soggy mess of everything?

Our friends at PAL (Pets Add Life) that you might like to know what your wet dog is thinking while doing all of those crazy things. This is what one dog had to say about the horrible bath he just had.


Did you know Wet Dog Facts:

  • According to Discovery.com “Wet dogs and other wet animals shake their bodies in such a precise, effective manner that washing machine designers are taking notice, according to a new study that is the first to explain the physics of animal self-drying.”
  • You can teach your dog to shake off after a bath while still in the bath or while still outside. Wait for the natural behavior and then say the command shake. Whan the dog continues to shake say good dog and offer a treat. Do this a few times after a bath and you will have your dog shaking all of the excess water off all on their own so it doesn’t wind up all over your house.
  • The best way to get your dog dry quickly is to let them shake off the excess water. cuddle them in a towel, and then turn on the hair dryer to low heat and start drying.
  • Does your dog still smell like wet dog right after a bath? Shampoo twice . Once to get the dirt and oil off and once to get right in there and make them smell fresh and clean.

What does your wet dog think of bath time?

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  1. I love water, love to swim, do not like taking a bath.
    emma recently posted..Busy Times | GBGV | Follow Up FridayMy Profile

  2. If you don’t have a detachable showerhead, a bowl or even a large cup is helpful … Trimming your pet’s nails prior to bath time will not only give your dog better footing, … you

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