Pet Safety – Dog Food Safety

Pet Safety – Dog Food Safety

Important Dog Food Safety Tips

Dog Food Safety – Buying Tips

  • Purchase products in good condition, without signs of damage to the packaging such as dents or tears.
  • Purchase products that have been kept in temperature controlled facilities. While dog food is shelf stable major fluctuations in temperature, humidity, or sunlight can cause the food inside the bag or can to become bad.
  • Never purchase a bag or can of dog food that is out of date.
  • Never purchase a can of dog food that is deformed. Take it off the shelf and give it to someone at the store letting them know something is wrong with the can of food.
  • Only buy in bulk if you have an airtight container to store the food in and are sure you will be able to use it before the expiration date.

Dog Food Safety  – Labeling Regulations-

pet food products need to meet requirements that do not apply to the foods people eat. Pet food regulations cover issues including:

  • Labeling
  • Ingredients
  • Nutrition Content

For a  comparison of pet food and human food requirements)of the listing of requirements that pet food products meet beyond those that apply to human food.

Dog Food Safety – Preparation Tips

  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds with hot water and soap before (to prevent contamination from other sources) and after (in case of contamination within the food itself) handling pet foods and treats.
  • Wash pet food bowls, dishes, and scooping utensils with soap and hot water after each use. This includes your pet’s water bowl. Whether the germs and bacteria are from their food or from something they were playing with in the yard cross contamination can occur.
  • Do not use the pet’s feeding bowl as a scooping utensil—use a clean, dedicated scoop or spoon that remains with the food. Using a portion controlled scoop instead of using your hands and eyeballing the amount fed, will have the added benefit of helping to keep your pets weight under control.
  • Dispose of old or spoiled pet food products in a safe manner, such as in a securely tied plastic bag in a covered trash receptacle.
  • If your child wants to help feed their pet make sure you carefully monitor them. Ensure they wash their hands both before and after feeding their beloved pet as children and older adults are at a greater risk of contracting salmonella. Children should wash their hands after giving treats as well.

Dog Food Safety – Storage Tips

  • Refrigerate promptly or discard any unused, leftover wet pet food. Refrigerators should be set at 40º F.
  • Dry products should be stored in a cool, dry place—under 80º F.
  • If possible, store dry pet food in its original bag inside a clean, dedicated plastic container with a lid, keeping the top of the bag folded closed.
  • Keep pets away from food storage and preparation areas. They may scratch the container, bite at the bag, or in some way expose the food inside to the elements which could increase the chance of the food turning bad more quickly and for bugs and other germs to get inside the container.

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  1. One of our biggest pet peeves is that so many humans just open the dry food bag and never put it anywhere that is sealed up. Sure, a dog will eat stale dog food but really? Come on folks, think about your pets and store the food in an airtight container to keep it fresh and if the bag is huge, store the opened bag in one container and then store smaller amounts in a smaller container. We like fresh food too!
    emma recently posted..Help Me Send Mom To BarkWorld | GBGVMy Profile

  2. We follow all of these except there’s always one that we can’t be sure about:
    Purchase products that have been kept in temperature controlled facilities.
    I always worry about the food traveling from the production plant to the retailer. The plant is climate-controlled and the retailer is climate-controlled, but the trailer of a semi is generally not. Not a problem in the wintertime, of course… it’s like a refrigerator back there… but in the summer, yikes… it gets very hot.
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  3. Most dry pet meals are excellent for most pets.The less expensive elements that you buy at the meals market are not always going to be excellent for your pet, but if you have a balanced youthful pet and you nourish them servicing meals in the right amounts.

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