Thursdays are for Sharing @fourcoconuts

For a while now I have wanted to make Thursday’s into a day that I share random things we find around the internet or told about by friends. I was checking my email this morning after our long hot walk I think I need to stop doing that because I never leave the computer because inevitably something or someone needs my attention and has a Pitch for us or an idea they want help with.

So anyway getting back to this morning.  A friend from college google chatted me and told me about his really cool new website called and asked if I could take a quick look to see what I thought. I think it is a fun idea so I told him I would tell some friends to check out his new brain child.

The story of Four Coconuts:

Place: A supermarket in Jerusalem, Israel
Time: 2 AM on a Thursday night in early 2009
Our hero was carrying out his weekly shopping routine, when he laid eyes on some coconuts.
Instinctively, he wanted to purchase a coconut or two, because the exotic allure mesmerised him. Yet, at the same time, he could not fathom a single use for the coconuts.
Reaching for his trusty Nokia N73, he tweeted out into the ether: What could you do with a coconut?
Suddenly, he received a stream of responses that ranged from the whimsical to the artistic to the downright wrong. The one thing that he knew was, he had to purchase four of them.
And with that, FourCoconuts was born.

About Four Coconuts:

FourCoconuts is all about your creativity. Each day we present a challenge: What can you do with x?
Ask yourself how I can be creative with it?
What would you do? What can you see in this item that no one else can see?
Answer the question.
Favourite other ideas that you like.
Vote on other ideas that you really like. Learn about yourself and others. Be original. Be creative. Have fun!

Today’s Challenge is:
What can you do with a Disposable Plastic Cup? We already submitted our answer for today.

Stop by set up an account at so that you can have your own fun creative outlet to think outside the box.

The Two Little Cavaliers approve his website. They think the creator is a pretty cool guy. He was traveling for business and was our very first visitor when we lived in Hong Kong! Actually we think his entire extended family is pretty cool and his mother and grandmother are awesome cooks. Just saying.

You can also follow Four Coconuts on twitter.

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  1. K9friend says

    That sounds fun. I will pop over to check it out!


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